Calico ha scritto:non sono Mai riuscito a trovare un testo serio di training autogeno o di autoipnosi. Se avete un link, lo accolgo con gioia!
...non ti serve

...però ti posso dare qualche tecnica da ripetere in allenamento
SLOW FIRE DRILL -- Five shots on target, unlimited time, two hand standing position. Done once each from 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 yards. Each shot reinforces the basics and the shooter also verifies sight zero.
FIVE-SECOND DRILL -- The shooter has five seconds to draw and fire a single shot. This is an opportunity to refresh muscle-memory and make sure every moment from the draw to the shot placement is correct. Then the shooter repeats the drill with three rounds, then with four rounds, then with five rounds, etc. all the way up to ten rounds in five seconds. Distance begins at 3, then to 5, 7 and 10 yards. All shots must be in the A-zone of the target.
THREE-GRASP DRILL -- The shooter draws and fires two shots from their preferred two-hand stance, then shoots two rounds strong hand only and then two rounds weak hand only. (An alternate version is to fire one shot from each position). This is conducted from 3,5,7 and 10 yards, all shots in the A-zone of the target.
SHOOT AND MOVE DRILL -- Fire five shots moving forward. Then five shots retreating. Then begin at the 10 yard line and leave a magazine on the ground at the 3 yard line. At the start signal, move forward firing until you have reached the point where you placed the fresh magazine. Pick up the magazine from the ground and reload and then fire as you retreat back to the starting point.
SHOOT - RELOAD - SHOOT DRILL -- At ten yards, facing a single target. Draw and fire six rounds, reload, and fire another six rounds. The shooter should fire as fast as they can and still keep all hits within the A-zone of the target.
THE EL PRESIDENTE DRILL -- At ten yards, facing three targets placed one yard apart, shoulder to shoulder. At the signal, draw and fire two rounds on each target, reload, and re-engage each target with two rounds. The shooter should fire as fast as they can and still keep all hits within the A-zone of the target.
Once the shooter can perform this drill with consistent good results, practice the traditional "El Presidente" drill: Begin with your back to the targets. At the signal, turn and then draw and engage each target with two rounds, perform a mandatory reload, and re-engage each target with two rounds. The goal is accuracy, shooting quickly yet keeping all rounds in the A-zone of the target.
Another alternative is performing either one of the versions above, but after the reload engaging the head of each target with either one or two rounds. Doing this teaches the shooter to "change gears" -- first engaging the targets fast with coarse accuracy and then slowing down to deliver precision head shots.
BILL DRILL – Every practice session MUST finish with the “Bill Drill”.

...1911 FOREVER...
Noi farfalle si vive un giorno solo ed alle sei di sera si han già le palle piene - Altan